In late 2022, I set out to design a new brand mark for me personally as well as for my website. My previous logo was a logotype with a simple graphic representing the trail markers my family and I encountered during our adventures.

I set out to create a new logo that was more abstract, symbolic, flexible, visually interesting, and a little intriguing. I wanted a symbol that could be used as a branding element, and had the heft to be used in physical applications like a stamp, an emboss, and a cut out. Here is the new logo that I created.

The Follow Greg brand logo draws it’s main inspiration from the “Meandros”, the geometric pattern found in Greek and Roman art and architecture. Variations are also found all over the world.

The meandros, sometimes also known as the “Meander”, symbolizes infinity and the eternal flow of all things. I have encountered this pattern all over the world in art and architecture. This is a photo of a public square in Budapest, Hungary that I visited in 2022.
Here is the meandros as a border on one of the facades of the Ara Pacis Augustae in Rome I visited in 2014.

The logo is also a graphic representation of the top view of a pyramid. Pyramids use the golden ratio for their dimensions and I have always been fascinated with the relationship between nature and art. It is also symbolizes my desire to visit the great wonders of the world.


The logo also draws reference to a labyrinth pattern. This is a symbol of the journey both literally and spiritually as I way find through trails and pathways, seeking a destination and meaning along the way.
My pilgrimages on the Kumano Kodo in Japan in 2019 and the Camino de Santiago in Spain in 2022 reflect this journey.
But navigating a journey of discovery is also a common topic in my writing.
Finally, key letterforms are embedded into the design to represent the “F” and “G” in “Follow Greg” and the “LFG” to represent my attitude towards exploring the world: There’s no better time to plan your next adventure than right now!