For our vacation this year we decided to take a picture in the same pose every place we went. We quickly noticed that the formation the kids chose resembled the word “Wow”. This became our “Wow” pose and we took a picture at every place we went which included 12 National parks, 16 Museums, and 1 Amusement Park.
Our kids love National Parks and historic sites so it we planned a jam-packed 10 day vacation that started in Gettysburg, PA, continued to Hershey Park, then Amish Country, then Philadelphia and Valley Forge, before continuing onto Colonial Williamsburg, Historic Jamestowne, Yorktown, Petersburg, and Richmond.
They got a great education in the impact, politics, and history of how our great country got it’s start and how we resolved our differences. We also saw the devastating effects our nation endured after the Civil War. We also through in a great trip to Hershey Park, a chance to make our own ice cream at Turkey Hill, and the Air & Space museum near Dulles Airport where they got to see the Space Shuttle in real life (A highlight).